Affiliate Partner Program

Imagine earning extra income while helping people achieve financial freedom. Join our premier credit repair affiliate program and enjoy high conversion rates, generous payouts, transparent tracking, and unwavering support.

Why Partner With Us?

Trusted and Reliable

Board certified with tons of

experience, our reputation speaks


Effortless Sign-Up

Join in just 5 minutes, and it’s completely free.

Flexible Payout Options

Choose between commission checks or ACH payments.

Online Marketing

  • Promote through websites, social media, and search engine marketing.

  • Track and convert your traffic with our advanced tools.

Financial Services

  • Perfect for mortgage, real estate, and auto finance sectors.

  • Partner with a trusted company to offer your clients top-notch credit repair.

Online Marketing

  • Promote through websites, social media, and search engine marketing.

  • Track and convert your traffic with our advanced tools.

Financial Services

  • Perfect for mortgage, real estate, and auto finance sectors.

  • Partner with a trusted company to offer your clients top-notch credit repair.

Offline Marketing

  • Effective for direct mail, billboards, TV, radio, digital and more.

  • Ensure your offline leads are tracked and converted through our FREE APP

Telephone Lead Calls

  • Drive inbound calls and ensure they are tracked.

  • Our sales team achieves high conversion rates for your leads.

Offline Marketing

  • Effective for direct mail, billboards, TV, radio, digital and more.

  • Ensure your offline leads are tracked and converted through our FREE APP

Telephone Lead Calls

  • Drive inbound calls and ensure they are tracked.

  • Our sales team achieves high conversion rates for your leads.

Earn Generous commissions

Imagine earning $50 per lead that converts to an active paying client, with payouts based on volume. Our affiliates rave

about our program, highlighting the ease of promoting a trusted service and the substantial earnings they receive.

We invite you to take the first step towards better credit and financial health. Please call, email, or visit our website to schedule a free consultation and credit analysis. During this consultation, we will review your credit report line by line and discuss any inaccuracies that can be disputed and potentially removed.

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